
What a beautiful motto: Discoveries must be read and not just published. When I was contacted by Aether as a new digital service to share scientific and technological insights I had my doubts that this was really going to be according to what I call the “open source & makers’ spirit”: knowledge should be free and it is there to be shared.

Well, Aether is faithful to its motto and shares discoveries freely. It has been a pleasure to collaborate for the interview and subsequent article. It has been greatly self satisfying to see how the interview was professionally and truthfully redacted and then published. Sharing thoughts and sparks for discussions is fundamental to the progress of society. Your journal offers clarity and brevity and I believe it provides the sparks to ignite any reader whether academic or not into action.

Dr Maria-Cristina Ciocci

Co-founder and Manager of non-profit organisation De Creative STEM, GirlsInSTEM

I am delighted with the look of the finished article in Aether. It is not often my work appears in a way that opens it up to new audiences, such as high schools. The images and the design brought my words to life.

Bhavin Shastri

Assistant Professor , Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Queen’s University, Canada

It was great to work with Aether to produce an article about my research. Michael asked interesting and well-informed questions, ensured I was fully involved in the creation process, and produced a beautifully presented final article.

Isobel Ollard

Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge

There is a recognition of … why articles such as this, being in a different format from peer-reviewed journals, are the very type that are needed.

Rebecca Pearson

Professor of Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University

It was a delight working with Aether to help communicate our science to a wider audience – the design quality is amazing, and I love looking through each issue. Certainly, there is a need for more of this kind of publication.

Will Boulton

School of Computing Sciences, The University of East Anglia

Working with Aether has been an absolute blessing. Michael conducted an excellent and effective interview with sound editing, and the graphical design and layout are perfect. I really feel we have got our message out and presented it clearly to our audience of interest.

Claus Hessler Ibsen

Group R&D Director, Vestas aircoil A/S